Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Implementation Grant (2018)
In 2018, Vassar College received a $2.5 million Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Implementation Grant to support the work of the Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education. The grant provided a four-year period to formally embed the Consortium colleges’ shared curriculum across each campus as well as to integrate the engaged learning practices, teaching labs, and faculty development needed to make the project successful and sustainable.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Planning Grant (2016)
In 2016, the Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education received a Planning Grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This grant allowed faculty and students to explore how to develop a Consortium-wide shared curriculum on migration and displacement. Specifically, they investigated comprehensive curriculum development related to the issue of forced migration, its root causes, forced migration’s significance in the past and present, the development of a robust social engagement structure, and the use of digital humanities to develop classes and exchanges to connect with displaced students and scholars across the globe.
Social Science Research Council Grant (2019)
In July 2019, Maria Höhn (Vassar College, Principal Investigator of CFMDE Mellon Foundation Implementation Grant), Adam Brown (The New School), and Kyle Farmbry (Rutger’s University, University Alliance of Refugees and At-Risk Migrants), received a competitive grant from the Social Science Research Council. This grant allowed for three conferences and workshops that explore how the liberal arts and psychologists, clinicians, funders, and policymakers must work together to innovate new and more effective models to deal with displacement and mental health.